
internet developerl

know-how offer

↠ Data processing, databases, big data

Databases, FS, data analysis, data model design, data optimizing, data migration, data conversion, ...

↠ Data processing engines

Design & developping & operating WEB crowlers to capture data changes over time.

↠ WEB applications

Developping the WEB applications, mobile applications. Servers (WEB, email, SMS, relay, proxy ...)

↠ Application integration

By source coding, by web services or by directly connecting data sources

↠ Open source software

Localization, customizing and implementing Open source solutions.

↠ Operating systems

Instalation, server operation, systems administering.

↠ Others

Security PGP,PKI, photography


↠ open source

All applications are developed and distributed under open source license, my customer have all source code on the server

↠ keep it simple

just amazing solutions are those that are operable with minimal energy

↠ the simplest solution

not everything can always be solved cleanly, many things can be worked around and grow so quickly and gracefully to the goal

geek code

Version: 3.1
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R? tv-- b? DI-- !D G++ !e h---- r+++ y+++@
------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ 


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